Wassily Kandinsky: A Study in the Rationale of His Theory Concerning the Spirituality Associated with His Art

Category: Books,Arts & Photography

Wassily Kandinsky: A Study in the Rationale of His Theory Concerning the Spirituality Associated with His Art Details

About the Author Hae Won Shin, B.F.A., M.A. is a professional artist, photographer, and cinematographer. Her art work has appeared in numerous galleries and publications, her photographs have been seen in over one hundred journals and in a number of books, and she has filmed numerous feature films. Read more


For anyone interested in Kandinsky, this book is useless. It is totally filled with errors, both chronological and otherwise. Typical of such self-produced books, language itself is used incorrectly. Example of all: Chapter 1, paragraph 1: "His revolutionary techniques in the portrayal of art were exemplified during the period of time when he was an instructor at the German Art School, the Bauhaus." Although we could say that Kandinsky's "revolution" continued through his lifetime, including the Bauhaus period, the main thrust of his exploration took place well before.

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