Hairspray, Female Trouble, and Multiple Maniacs
Category: Books,Humor & Entertainment,Movies
Hairspray, Female Trouble, and Multiple Maniacs Details
From Booklist It's been 17 years since erstwhile gross-out filmmaker Waters published three screenplays (Pink Flamingos, Desperate Living, and the as-yet-unfilmed Flamingos Forever) as Trash Trio. You'd think he would've come up with a similarly catchy title for the second helping of his cinematic oeuvre, but no. Still, leading off with his greatest hit, the movie-to-musical-and-(come '06)-back-again Hairspray, ought to grab the rubes, and once they're in for that piece of endearing, off-kilter nostalgia about integrating an American Bandstand- like show in early-sixties Baltimore, maybe they'll stay for the two scenarios for funnier, if hardly as well-produced, early Waters features. Made on either side of Waters' art-house smash Pink Flamingos, Multiple Maniacs and Female Trouble are excruciatingly campy satires of pornographic sex and violence. Shoestring-budgeted, both starred Waters' transvestite performer friend Divine and now seem hilarious harbingers of movies such as Natural Born Killers and lots of what's on cable TV. All published here with several scenes cut from the completed films, they and Hairspray are gloriously silly. Ray OlsonCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved Read more
This book captures the written screenplay to 3 more of John Waters films. They read great if you are into his films and will find yourself laughing and wanting to see the films again. Only major complaint: the addition of Hairspray in this book is so out of place. The script for Polyester should have been chosen instead as it is much more of that period of his work than the famiily movie Hairspray.